Locate Investigation
Discreet Services has extensive experience in locating individuals throughout the United States and Internationally. We maintain subscriptions to the best databases only available to Licensed Private Investigators and Law Enforcement Detectives. Locate Investigations is one of the most common services we provide for all sorts of Clients. We have attorneys we work with on a regular basis that need simple things like an updated address for paperwork or to locate someone physically that has been dodging service of process.
There are other reasons why someone might not be missing but simply not want to be found. Many individuals hide in order to avoid paying money to someone or being able to be served for court. It is often necessary to hire a Private Investigator in order to track these individuals down. These types of situations ranging from small claims judgments to back child support payments. We also work on high level Locate Investigations where a Subject received money from an Investor for a project or business and skipped town. We have the resources to track people across the United States and in numerous countries throughout the world.
If you need to locate someone for any reason, you came to the right place. Fill out a FREE CONSULTATION or give us a call.
Skip Trace Service Locations
We currently serve the following locations for skip-tracing. If there are any countries or territories not listed below, please contact us and we will advise if we have a local agent available and quote accordingly: